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  • Kate

6.6.16: Enjoy the Journey

"Not all who wander are lost" - JRR Tolkien

My family and I had a conversation recently about the 2 types of people in the world: those that enjoy the journey and those that enjoy reaching the destination. But really, do we ever reach the destination??

It got me thinking about myself and how I've been handling everything recently. I was so overwhelmed with the travel and EVERYTHING I had to do in May, I was hardly enjoying the journey. And I'm a bit upset with myself about it all.

And now that I'm in June and there is NOTHING major on my planner until the beginning of July, I find myself worry about all the travel and events we have in July...why is it so hard to just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment?

Therefore, my personal goal for the entire month of June is to SLOW DOWN. Enjoy the Journey. Medidate every morning. Journey and show gratitude. Go to yoga a couple times a week, and just enjoy the simple life.

Since I'm in the midst of mindfull makeover (my new program - so close to releasing!), it also had me wondering about women on weight loss journeys. Weight loss often causes stress, anxiety, anger, etc. All not-so-fun emotions...which I think really creates the anxiety and hardship around weight loss.

This is how I am making my program different. Sustainable long-lasting change comes from a new mindset, a new of love and appreciation for your body rather than fear and hate.

Happy Monday + Remember to enjoy the journey this week!!

PS - Happy Birthday Momma! <3

xo, kate


Enjoy the Journey

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