This is a copy of an email I sent to my email list that I thought was super valuable. I don't usually share these on the blog. Make sure you sign up here for future emails!

Lately I've noticed something...well something I've always known, but I'm learning to put it into words. Most women around me are always on a diet. A no-carb diet. A low-fat diet. A lower-calorie diet. Sometimes we give them names like Weight Watchers. The 21 Day Fix. The 21-Day Sugar Detox. The BLAH BLAH BLAH. HOLD UP, KATE. Don't you coach the 21-Day Sugar Detox? Well, duh! [Next round begins October ;)] BUT it IS a program. It's a set of rules for 21 Days. It's meant to help with sugar-cravings, energy, metabolism. It has a specific purpose. It was never meant to be a diet [although I definitely see participants use it this way!] And there's a recommended way to transition to a whole foods way of eating at the end. You see, at some point, you will go "off" those yes/no lists that whatever program you are following gave you. And then what happens? Sadly, for most, it's a "downward spiral" or a "binge fest" or self-loathing and the "I GIVE UP" mindset. And then this ridiculous thought that you have to "start over" again sets in. I think that's partly because many people see these programs as "checkmarks" - meaning they want to just check it off a list...I did this program - CHECK...where's the next diet or "thing" I can try? Instead of really learning what that program intended to teach and applying it to a healthy lifestyle. [OK, I'll be honest - there are also many programs that don't really teach anything except how to pass dolla bills to the creator.] This type of mindset is dangerous. It snowballs very easily! Maybe you are confused because you've heard that I eat a "Paleo" or "gluten-free" or "real food" diet. ERRR. Wrong. It's not a diet to me. There's no restriction. I don't see foods as good or bad...there are definitely foods I choose to eat because they make ME FEEL good or bad...but I've made that choice. It is not a thought of "I can only eat this and this, not that." I wouldn't call it "Paleo" except I truly love the supportive community and enjoy being part of it. BUT LET ME BE CLEAR - IN THE BEGINNING, IT WAS A DIET! At first, Paleo was another "diet" I was trying in an effort to change my body that I hated so much...I tried "paleo-ing harder" and restricting as much as I could in desparate efforts to make the scale move...disgust, hate, restriction was totally my mindset a couple years ago. Slowly, after lots of work on myself and my attitude, I realized how CRAZY it all seemed...and I pulled myself out of it. With lots and lots and lots of personal development. [Many of the tools I share in my Mindfull Makeover program!] Liz Wolfe recently wrote an email to her community called "Are you accidentally dieting?" and then Liz & Diane discussed it on the Balanced Bites Podcast...and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it because I notice this so much with the people in my life - clients, family, friends... But I've realized that people with the diet mindset DO NOT UNDERSTAND the way I eat right now. They can't wrap their head around making food choices based on feelings because they are so distracted my calories, macros, containers...aka FEAR and DISTRUST. They assume I MUST be avoiding foods because I don't want to gain weight! [Yep, I had someone say that to me! Sigh.] What makes me the most sad is that constant dieters have lost all the joy in eating delicious, nourishing food and have lost all trust in themselves. All of this is to say, I hope that if you feel like you are living on this constant diet train, that you can learn to slow it down, stop it, and get off. I love challenges like the 21DSD, whatever-you-want-to-call-them...but I also love that they teach you something valuable, END and allow you to eat with MORE freedom based on what you learned. I hope this has given you something valuable to think about! Do you have a question or thought about this post? I'd love to hear it! Click here and let me know.