Happy Monday.. And Happy First Day of Spring!
I woke up this morning feeling fresh and renewed :)
(which is strange because my sleep has not been the best since daylight savings.)
Perhaps I was excited because Spring is my birthday season, the season of my/our baby shower (which I’ve been using as an “influence” for the theme) & when our little girl will be welcomed home.
I started thinking about the season of Spring in general and all of the lessons we could learn from this time of year.
Since this is a Monday (and I love a good #MondayMotivation)... this post came together basically on it’s own!
Lessons from Spring
1. Spring Clean: Out with the Old!
I typically have a hard time “spring cleaning.” I think this had a lot to do with my old attitude. I was so afraid to let go of, well, anything! What if I needed it in the future? What if I missed it?
Fear and Restriction.
Now I am a cleaning machine and it feels AMAZING! So much less clutter around our house and so much more peace, one of my words for the year!
If you are holding on to items out of fear, I promise this is a limiting belief. Let it go and welcome to new clean feeling!
2. Plant New Seeds
It’s time to start thinking about what else you want to do or even be!
Start planting, watering and nurturing these seeds now… and watch how they grow throughout the season.
3. Time to Bloom
I love driving through our neighborhood in spring. Most homes have gorgeous trees or plants in their front yards that burst into full bloom and just make the neighborhood look so alive and beautiful.
Though I’m not much of a gardener (LOL for so many reasons… #1 my maiden name was Gardner and #2 if you follow me on Snapchat, you saw me kill basically every plant I bought last year), I love having colorful flowers in our home as often as possible (even better when the hubby brings them home for me!)
4. Celebrate Your Life
Spring is a time for celebration… so learn to celebrate your life! Count your blessings, seek the positives and welcome good fortune into your life.
5. A Fresh Start
I consider this the real start of the year. Let the heaviness of winter go and welcome the fresh new air and beginning!
Happy Spring, Friends!