The 2nd Trimester… who really knows how long it is because all the apps and books tell you differently… but isn’t that how it goes with pregnancy?
Here’s what I can tell you… while my second trimester has definitely been better than my first (read about that here), it still hasn’t been good!
I was waiting for the rainbows and unicorns to appear. Everyone kept telling me “One day you will wake up and feel great and forget about the first trimester!”
14 weeks.. 17 weeks.. 20 week.. 25 weeks..
Well, I’m officially in the middle of my 25th week and that still ain't happenin'.
I’m just trying to be authentic here… my promise for 2017!
I remember the day I found out I was pregnant I turned to my husband and said
“I really want to enjoy this experience. I’m not going to complain or whine to anyone except you, because I’m sure I’ll have moment or two”
… this was the moment karma struck.
But in the effort to be authentic, I have to remind myself that A LOT has been added to my plate in the past couple months, and stress has been placed on my shoulders throughout the second trimester, so perhaps it would have been different if life in general had been a little more... peaceful.
So what’s been wrong this second trimester?
Mostly, nausea and food aversions for me! I’m specifically nauseous after I eat anything that has a lot of sugar (and by a lot, I mean even a piece of dark chocolate can send me into a sweaty pool of nausea for a day).
I have a really hard time eating in general. Majority of the time, I feel like I’m force feeding myself.
Though, I have been experiencing hunger pains lately, which is something I did not have for a very long time, so I am hoping this will slowly go away.
I also discovered the Pink Stork line within the past couple weeks and I do believe it is helping!
I’ve also started to have trouble sleeping… more so falling asleep than anything.
In the first trimester, I was lucky to make it to 7:30pm but now I’m exhausted, but find I just toss and turn until 11ish. Once I do fall asleep, I'm good for the night.
Now that my belly has officially "popped" I find I’m a little more uncomfortable laying down in general, so I’m sure those growing pains are just around the corner!
Considering what I mentioned above, I haven’t had many cravings. There have been a few - pesto has been one… how random? And also Caesar salads - which is what I ate every time I went on a date with my husband when we first started dating.
The only meat I really like right now is sausage, though I try to get in a variety!
I also like breakfast sandwiches with avocado.
Oh, and HINT Water!
Stats + Belly Shots
I’m up about 7-8 pounds from my starting weight, however, you have to factor in that I lost 8-10 pounds during the first trimester, so I think I’m still managing to gain lbs well :)
Here are a few belly shots throughout the past couple weeks.
It really depends on what I eat, too, as well as if it is an AM or PM pic. I never know it would vary so much! By the nighttime, she's definitely out there!
Doc said I’m measuring right on schedule and she’s on target for her due date.

This is a little controversial in the natural world, but we did decide to get ultrasounds for the anatomy scans and what made it even more special... Jim’s cousin was able to do the gender reveal for us 2 weeks before our originally scheduled gender reveal date!
We found out we were having a baby GIRL mid-December and it has been all pink, princesses, and adorable clothes since then!
A sneak peek at our little peanut:

Maternity Fashion
Well, I’m NOT a fasionista by any means, but I was curious where to get maternity clothes that weren’t awful!
So far, my favorites have been from Stitch Fix!
I love my stylist (she’s a nutrition client of mine too! So I’m glad we can help each other out in our professions!) and she’s been able to give me so many versatile pieces that I can wear now and postpartum.
I’ve also been enjoying the leggings from Motherhood - they were relatively inexpensive (I got them on a BOGO deal) and since I’m really NOT about having stuff tight on my stomach, I’ve been rocking them for weeks.
I also ordered a couple pieces from the Gap Maternity that I’ll have to wear to some upcoming events, so I’ll snap photos and add them here later!
Nursery Daydreams
Oh, it is so fun to dream up a baby girl nursery!
I guess I thought it was a boy, because I discovered I was pinning navy and boy nurseries before knowing.
I’m definitely not into Barbie Doll Pink [I’m saving that for baby girl if that’s more her style ;)] We are going with a blush pink, tan + khaki look for the nursery - which is also shaping up to be the color scheme for my shower!
Gotta roll with what you like I suppose!

Well that was fun!
I share in hopes that being raw & real will help another momma out there that is also struggling.
It was really difficult when I was reading blogs and talking with friends that had glowing pregnancies and hardly any symptoms. Not that I wished anything less for them (of course!) but not all pregnancies are created equal and it can be lonely when you are still struggling 6 1/2 months in!
I'd love to connect if you are another new momma or momma-to-be!
Reach out to me on social (@holistickate on FB & IG) or shoot me an email! xoxo