Answering listener questions all about exercise and nutrition: what to eat, when to eat, non-scary supplements + what to do if you’re getting sick but still want to work out. || Full show notes & kale chips recipe at the | Get in touch:
IN THIS EPISODE: Welcome to The Ladies Dish Podcast!
Catching Up: (01:30) If you’re feeling inspired to donate to the show – go on over to our Donation page and use the link to donate through PayPal. We’ll love you forever and always!
Joy adopted a puppy!! Meet Olive – a 3 month old black lab puppy who loves snuggles and sunshine more than anything else. (Well, and she also loves her food – she fits right in!)
Get to Know the Ladies - Question of the Week (5:35): If you could either go back and relive a week from your past OR hop into a week in the future – which would you choose?
All three ladies picked the same option – listen to the show to see which one they picked!
What would you do?!? Comment below or comment on Instagram and let us know where you’d go – to the past or to the future? If it’s the past - is there a specific week you’d pick?
What’s Cooking? (8:35):
Kate shares a simple recipe for making PERFECTLY crisp kale chips in the oven. Do you stuff these straight into your face when they’re done like us? These WILL NOT last long in your kitchen. Try them out!
Listener Questions
1. What nutrition does your body need for a workout? Is it best to eat that before? (11:27)
Kate shares this information from Paleo Leap that we think is worth reading: (
2. I’ve recently started running and have noticed that I am CONSTANTLY hungry when I’m running consistently. When I talk to other runners about this they tell me I have to “fuel for my run” and then I won’t be hungry afterwards, but I have no idea what that means. I really like running, but would hate to end up gaining weight from doing it! (27:52)
Have you ever carb loaded before a workout? We sure have – but NOT with the proper carbs. We know better now, but Dana shares what she carb loaded with one time….(33:33)
3. What are good (healthy, non-scary) supplements to take when working out? (37:00)
Not sure if a supplement you’ve picked up is good quality? Check out the Whole 9’s Supplement Evaluation Checklist:
4. How much protein should we be getting a day if we workout regularly? How much sugar (in grams) should we be consuming daily? (46:50)
5. When you discover you have a cold – do you skip exercise or push through? (49:05)
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Thank you for joining us this week for Episode 16. Remember to subscribe in iTunes so you don’t miss a future episode!
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