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[RECIPE] Healthy Taco Seasoning

Healthy Taco Seasoning

this recipe will yield 4 servings (about 9 Tablespoons).


  • 4 Tbsp chili powder*

  • 3 Tbsp ground cumin*

  • 2 tsp paprika*

  • 2 tsp dried oregano*

  • 2 tsp garlic powder*

  • ground Himalayan sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

preparation: mix all the ingredients together and store in a small air-tight container. *organic, if possible


how my husband & i like to enjoy this seasoning: we love to make 2 lbs of grass-fed beef with 1/4 of the seasoning above on either romaine lettuce boats or organic corn tortillas topped with shredded lettuce, cauliflower rice or white rice, fresh guacamole (or wholy guacamole!), and organic some hot sauce! ;) making 2 lbs of meat allows us to have leftovers the next day, which i like to make for lunch as a taco salad...with the same ingredients!




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