The thyroid is a complicated and complex gland in the body because it affects EVERY cell. The ladies break it down for you in this introductory episode all about what the thyroid does and how to keep it healthy. | Get in touch:
Welcome to the Ladies Dish IN THIS EPISODE
Updates (1:00):
• Kate - This FRIDAY we will be finding out if it’s a boy or a girl!!!! • There’s still time to sign up for Kate’s Mindfull Makeover group and as a listener – you get a $5 discount using the code “gracewins2017”. Click here to sign up!
• Joy is coaching a 21 DSD group at Prana House Yoga for all our local listeners – we will have in person meetings AND a private facebook support group. Click here for more info and to sign up!
The “it” List (4:55)
Dana shares that she’s really into Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oatmeal Cups right now! It’s got oats, flax, chia seeds –easy to find and delicious! Dana has seen them at Target, her grocery store and on Amazon.
LDP's Sponsor - The Nutritional Therapy Association The NTA is an amazing organization that certified all three LDP co-hosts as Nutritional Therapy Consultants. We all highly recommend the NTC course or NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) course to anyone interested in pursuing an education in holistic health and learning how real, whole foods help heal the body from the inside out. Visit for more information and to download a registration packet!
Today’s Topic: Thyroid 101 (7:45)
What is the Thyroid?
• Butterfly-shaped gland in the throat - The thyroid is a part of the endocrine system and is the primary player in the regulation of our metabolism. The thryoid and adrenals are the two glands that produce energy in the body. • 2 thyroid hormones that do more of the work: T4 (mostly inactive) and T3 (active). T4 is actually considered a prehormone and is 300% less active than T3. • T3 affects virtually every organ of the body by acting as a modulator of cell functions. The major function of the hormones is to speed up or slow down the metabolic rate.
How does it Work? (10:10)
• Hypothalamus is the start of the process - calls Anterior Pituitary to release TSH to trigger the thyroid.
o TSH = Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - very commonly tested. NORMAL range is not OPTIMAL range! 0.3 - 3.0 (old range .2 - 8) o High TSH (usually over 3.0) suggests hypothyroid - trying to send a lot of signals to stimulate the thyroid
• Thyroid has a lot of work to do - sends T4 to the BRAIN to change to T3, sends T4 to the Intestines, Liver, and Sex Glands to change to T3. • 80% of the T3 your body needs is made from the conversion of T4. • Once T3 is produced by these organs (and a bit by the thyroid), the body uses T3 for other functions.
Functions of the Thyroid (14:05)
• Regulates the heartbeat • Warms you up • Speeds metabolism to balance weight • Improves muscle strength • Replenishes dying cells with healthy ones • Grows hair and nails – and quality of hair and nails • Gives you regularity in bowel movements • Improves fertility (or reduces if not optimal) • Reduces sensations of pain • Promotes feelings of happiness/contentment • Enhance cholesterol excretion, reducing blood cholesterol levels
Symptoms of an Irregular Thyroid
Hyperthyroid - OVERactive (this is less common) (16:00) • Sensitive/allergic to iodine • Difficulty gaining weight, even with a large appetite • Nervous, emotional, can’t work under pressure • Inward trembling • Flush easily • Fast pulse at rest • Intolerance to high temperatures
Hypothyroid - UNDERactive (VERY common and often underdiagnosed) – (16:45) • Difficulty losing weight • Mentally sluggish, reduce initiative • Easily fatigued, sleepy during the day • Sensitive to cold, poor circulation (cold hands and feet) • Chronic constipation • Excessive hair loss and/or coarse hair • Morning headaches, wear off during the day • Loss of lateral ⅓ of eyebrow • Seasonal sadness • Sweat A LOT when exercising • Lower libido • Low blood sugar
Important to note: if this considering that you are doing everything “right” in these areas (aka if you are tired, but you are going to bed at 1 am and waking up at 6 am) it may be a issue of your sleeping habits!
Hashimoto’s - Autoimmune… sometimes swings between hyperthyroid to hypothyroid if not caught… 5-7% of the population ACTUALLY have Hashimoto’s!! Usual thyroid symptoms, but medication does not seem to help.
Controller of Metabolism
• Thyroid is really the top controller of our metabolism • One way to measure our thyroid is to think of it as a thermostat and tak the basal body temperature -- meaning our body temp first thing in the morning before any movement or activity. o Basal underarm body temp consistently below 97.8 is a sign of under active thyroid
Nutrients & Changes to the Support the Thyroid (21:56):
• A diet that is plentiful in nutrient dense food is NECESSARY for optimal thyroid health • Iodine, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Tyrosine, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc (+ copper) • Therapeutic foods for low thyroid: oats, kelp, seaweed, artichokes, onions, garlic, swiss chard, turnip greens, egg yolks, sesame seed butter • Clean, fresh, filtered water!
What to Avoid or Problems that Damage the Thyroid (24:17):
• Avoid goitrogens unless cooked for low thyroid, may want to eat RAW if you have overactive thyroid: broccoli, turnips, cabbage, carrots, kale… there’s a very lengthy list – check it out here. • If you eat rancid or diseased trans fats, T3 cannot enter cell and T4 cannot turn into T3! • Chemical pollution or heavy metal toxicity can affect the thyroid - why we need to deal with liver function and removing toxins • Nitrates added to packages meats, certain sulfa drugs, soft plastics could be sources of chemicals that damage the thyroid • Poor digestion, ESPECIALLY poor protein digestion since we need that tyrosine from protein to create thyroid hormones • Drugs, such as aspirin • STRESS!!!! • Food allergies
Resources for Thyroid (29:42):
• Dr. Alan Christianson • Dr. Amy Myers • Dr. Izabella Wentz - book: The Root Cause o Pure Encapsulations Webinar with Dr. Wentz • Magdalena (Hashimotos info) • Healthy Ginger's Healthy Hormones Group
Thank you for joining us this week for Episode 58. Remember to subscribe in iTunes so you don’t miss a future episode!
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