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2.29.16: Take a Leap of Faith

For a while now, I have been sharing Weekly Mantras on Monday on my Instagram...also what I call #MondayMantra. While I have them all on my feed, there isn't a great way to have all of mine in one spot. SO I've decided to write a corresponding blog post. Here I can freely write a little bit more and look back on them all together <3 So simple, yet it makes me so happy.




  1. (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.

  • a Vedic hymn.

  • a statement or slogan repeated frequently.

"the environmental mantra that energy has for too long been too cheap"

synonyms: slogan, motto, maxim, catchphrase, catchword, watchword, byword,buzzword, tag (line)

"their newest mantra is "stay connected""

And I've picked the BEST day to start them ~ LEAP Day

Monday, February 29th, 2016



Are you . . .




Then perhaps it's time to l.e.a.p!

Never stop pushing yourself to be better...whether it means you are a better spouse, a better mom, a better friend, a better worker...never stop seeking to improve. Take that leap to become the BEST at whatever you choose to be.

And by the way...

You do not have to drastically change your life to take a leap of faith. It doesn't mean you have to quit your job or your relationship (unless of course that is something you should do, then perhaps this is the sign).

Instead, it can mean:

  • calling that friend you haven't talked to in a while because of a disagreement

  • printing out that recipe and going to the grocery store to get the ingredients

  • making the doctor's appointment you have been avoiding

  • getting a fresh new hair cut and color

  • powering off your phone an hour before you go to sleep to disconnect

  • removing your work email off your phone

  • taking that gym class that looks like a ton of fun

There may be fear surrounding all of these actions - what if she doesn't want to forgive you? What if your ruin another meal? What if you get back bad test results? What if, what if, what if...

You'll never know unless you try.

Take a leap of faith!

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