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  • Writer's pictureKate Markovitz

The Ladies Dish #39: All About Habits

What are habits and why are they an important part of our everyday lives? The ladies discuss how to create habits that cultivate a body and mind that thrives! In this episode we share some of our favorite resources (of course, Gretchen Rubin is involved!) for successful habit change || Full show notes & pulled hearts of palm recipe at the | Get in

Welcome to The Ladies Dish Podcast! IN THIS EPISODE

Updates (1:17) Kate’s Mindfull Makeover Program – you have 10 days left to register! The program is going to be EVEN BETTER based on the feedback she got from her beta ladies! Sign up here:

The Ladies Dish is excited to announce our newest sponsor: The Nutritional Therapy Association! The NTA is an amazing organization that certified all three LDP co-hosts as Nutritional Therapy Consultants. We all highly recommend the NTC course or NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) course to anyone interested in pursuing an education in holistic health and learning how real, whole foods help heal the body from the inside out. Enrollment is open now! Visit for more information and to download a registration packet!

Interview Game Question (3:00) If you could be a fly on the wall and get a sneak peek into the life of anyone within the real food/nutrition/paleo-sphere who would it be and why?

We all immediately said the same person Cassy Joy!

But we all picked another person, too! Can you guess who picked who from the list below?!

Dallas Hartwig Juli Bauer Liz Wolfe

Hop in our Facebook group to answer this interview question with us!!

What’s Cookin’? (8:15)

Joy shares her Pulled Hearts of Palm - a take on pulled pork but it’s totally vegetarian! It’s a great side dish or appetizer for the whole crew! Get the recipe here.

Today’s Topic: Let’s talk about Habits…

What are they? Why are they important? (12:02)

Habits are patterns, routines or activities you do on a consistent basis. And habits are AUTOMATED - meaning you don’t have to think about them.

Habits are important because they mold your body and your life. So you can either create a body and mind that thrive and go through life with ease or you can create dis-ease and stress. The habits you choose over TIME will create your thrive.

Aristotle said “you are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

How do you evolve to become a human that thrives? You experiment! When you stay the same, not making any change - you don’t grow. Progress = growth

Kate mentioned Todd Durkin - check him out here.

Tips for creating/changing your habits: (19:33) 1. Figure out what it is you want. Make your WHAT as specific as possible. 2. Find your WHY. Why do you want what you want? . Get clear on your why. This will propel you forward when you want to stop. 3. Work on one habit at a time - take small action. Keeping momentum moving forward and repetition is key. 4. Trigger the behavior you want to create - figure out how to make the action as easy as possible for you to decide to do it. Remember - the simpler the better! 5. Work toward automation - too many decisions creates decision fatigue. 6. Find a friend - power in numbers! Find your tribe of other people trying to up-level their lives and you’ll find a support group that will surely build you up and support you on making changes for the better! 7. Follow your gut - what habits do you want to work on? Perhaps looking at what you desire - your core desired feelings - to help guide you. 8. Work on what is working! When you get stuck or dread a habit - don’t sweat it. Move on and come back to it later.

A resource WE LOVE: (28:50)

Gretchen Rubin’s 4 Habit Tendencies

You can take her quiz and see which one of the following tendency describes you – and will ultimately help you have success implementing new habits! Insert link • Upholder o Inner & outer expectations • Questioner o Expectations that make sense to them • Obliger o Outer expectations, tend to put off their inner expectations • Rebel o Who the heck knows! Whatever they feel like

Look up Gretchen’s podcast, Happier, for an episode on each of the four tendencies!

Morning & Evening Routines (33:00)

Joy likes the idea of bookending your day with some mindful habits….It seems like such a pleasant way to greet the day and say goodnight to it. Try something like meditation, stretching, sun salutations, journaling or just spending quality time with your loved ones!

Gretchen also talked about creating a manifesto for your life on a recent podcast episode. Listen to what she shared here.

And don’t forget: Make sure you tune in next week for an extra special guest! #sofamous #ladyboss

Thank you for joining us this week for Episode 39. Remember to subscribe in iTunes so you don’t miss a future episode!

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All About Habits | The Ladies Dish

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