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This is Your Life


You know how some people just seem to "get everything" they want?

It can be pretty frustrating, especially if YOU feel the complete opposite.

But guess what? You can have everything, too!

I'm not saying I have everything in my life figured out or I'm completely thrilled with exactly where I am, BUT I have made HUGE improvements to my life in the past couple years. I've met wonderful people, I've gained a ton of experience discovering what I truly love and desire from my life. At the age of 27, I feel like this is a rather large accomplishment. And I continue to make steps that are only going to propel me in the direction I want to go. No more wasted time or energy.

So how does that happen? Belief. Faith. Confidence. Positivity.

Let me share a story.

After I graduated college, I was entering the field of education. I applied to every single job that I saw open in my surrounding area, and I sent cover letters & my resume to schools that didn't have jobs open at the time. I was throwing myself out there for any opportunity that could potentially come my way. But the most important thing I did that year was write. I wrote in a journal exactly what was going to happen when I had that teaching job. How the first day was going to I would organize my seating I would organize my classroom...bulletin board ideas...drafted letters to the parents. I believed I was going to be in front of a room teaching in a few weeks time. Nothing else was possible. I worked way too hard and wanted to change kids lives too much to end up in anything other than my dream job.

I went on four interviews throughout the summer - each job got better and better. First, it was to be a full-time tutor in a school, then it was a part-time sub, then it was a full-time sub. It was beginning of August and I was still staying positive that my full-time permanent position was coming along, but was truly grateful I had the full-time sub position lined up. Then, I was called for an interview for a full-time position. While at in-service for my first day of my full-time sub position, I was called and offered the permanent job in a great, top-ranked school district. I remember listening to the voicemail during lunch at the in-service and just smiling. I didn't feel relief, I was just ready.

I don't believe it was luck. I believe it was my attitude and faith that got me that job.

Now ironically, I wanted to work in a less fortunate school - so although it would have probably been a "dream job" to some people, it was not actually where I imagined myself ending up. However, it taught me invaluable lessons and I made wonderful, lifelong friends.

A similar situation happened last summer. I was finishing grad school and a year off from teaching (I was still tutoring, however), and was beginning the job search process again - this time a little less unsure of what I wanted or needed. My husband was living in Florida and all I knew is that I needed to be with him, but I wanted something that allowed me flexibility to travel to PA to visit our families. It was a tall order. Somehow (thank you universe, guardian angel, whatever you want to call it!), I had a friend text me that the PA cyber school was looking for a remediation teacher. A

job from home that fit my exact skill set. Ironic?

I recently listened to "You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero. There are so many great quotes from this book. And if you know me, I LOVE a good quote. But one thing she says on her website is, "So here's the cosmic joke: Changing your life is so easy ... once you figure out it isn't hard."

I know people scoff at "The Secret" - I also read this book while I was in college. But I believe in positive energy. I believe YOU CAN change your life for the better just by changing your attitude. I'm proof that it happens!

Why did I write this post? Because I know TOO MANY people who are in situations that they do not want to be, career, relationship, etc. Don't settle. Don't be negative. Don't think that you don't deserve more because you do. THIS. IS. YOUR. LIFE. Once I started truly understanding what that sentence meant, I understood what I needed to do to change it.

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