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  • Kate

From Kate's Plate: What I Ate 6.21.16

starting a new series today: what i ate!

often people are intimidated by healthy eating because it really seems so foreign. we are creatures of habit...i get it! it's so much easier to do what you have always done.

BUT when you push outside your comfort zone just a BIT and start to develop new habits, over time you look back and you won't even remember how you "used" to do it.

i was inspired to create this series from all the articles floating around on facebook that state "i'm a nutritionist and here's what i eat" or "i'm a registered dietitian and here's what i eat in a day" or the one's i've recently been seeing..."here's what kim kardashian eats everyday" LOL

coming from a disordered eating past, i look at a lot of these articles and i feel slightly triggered. "wow, that doesn't seem like a lot," "they don't eat any fat!" "only 1 egg for breakfast?!"

i had such a negative view of these posts, but then i tried to start to see some i'm trying to do in ALL areas of my life these days. i could see how this is beneficial to people who are transitioning to trying to eat healthier.

fancy recipes and elaborate plates...well those are fantastic, but it's not how majority of people who make this a lifestyle actually LIVE. so i wanted to shed some light on that.

i'm not perfect. some days i eat A LOT more than other days. but i have a much better balance than ever before.

i don't count macros/calories/etc. i have NO IDEA what below would total. i'm going to try to be as honest and as transparent as possible...and tell you exactly what i was thinking for each meal.

here goes nothing! i hope you will come back to the blog to revisit this series often :) my goal is to get one day a week (it's actually harder to remember to take pics than i thought it would be!)

what i ate 6.21.16


7am - coffee with coconut oil - this powered me through a lot of work and next thing i knew it was 10 am

love my am cup!

10am - 2 eggs fried in grass-fed ghee, broccoli slaw cooked in coconut oil

not pictured: banana + berries


230pm - lunch salad with a bed of spinach + arugula, garlic grilled chicken, peppers, goat cheese, sprouted seeds, and tzatziki sauce as dressing. deeeelish! i think had about 1/4 cup of chicken salad i made for my hubby that didn't fit on his sammy because it was yummy!


730ishpm - i've been dying to go to fresh kitchen here in tampa while visiting my husband. they are fabulous, and have the best shirts. "just say no to drugs" - all meat is hormone + antibiotic free. the line was cray, but we didn't have to wait long because it moves fast.

it's a similar concept to, well, i'm not sure. chipotle? ish?

they have bases, proteins, veggies, sauce, + additions to choose from.

my hubby and i both got a "4 bowl" = 2 bases, 1 veggie, 1 protein.


BASE: summer salad + coconut ginger white rice

VEGGIE: turmeric cauliflower

PROTEIN: chia seed tuna poke (OMG AMAZING)

SAUCE: herb balsamic vinaigrette - i didn't use it because it was not needed!

ADD: scoop of citrus avocado (because I have a mild obsession with avocado)


BASE: sweet potato noodles + brown rice

VEGGIE: roasted carrots

PROTEIN: grilled steak

SAUCE: herb balsamic vinaigrette

we also did a little #treatyoself action with juices + dessert. he got a prepared juice. juices are raw + unpasteurized. i wish i would have take a was SO sweet...from what I remember: strawberry, mango, pineapple, mint, stevia? there was definitely more.

i got the ginger cucumber lemonade. also sweet, but would be fabulous on a hot summer day!

finally (whew this is a lot!) we tried the brown rice cripsie almond butter. my hubs said he tried a sample of it last time he was there and it was delicious. it was very crunchy! pictured below was the 1/4 that i was huge! i think they make these in house too. they also had lots of paleo treat options :)

then we rushed down to bayshore boulevard to try and catch a sunset (i love them) but it wasn't in the cards...we weren't sure if you would be able to see it or not, but it was still a beautiful and peaceful scene (until jim stepped in fire ants...ahh!)

please let me know if you like the idea of this series! i hope you do because it's fun to recap :)

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