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5 Favorites: July Edition


Holy crud, it is already July 10th!! Better post my July Favorites :)

1. Farmhouse Fresh - Sand Your Ground - Clarifying Mud Expoliation Mask

In the summertime, I feel like I just need a deep, cleansing mask between the yardwork, walks outside, and sweaty workouts (except when you spend your time in Pgh...)...this is just the one! I got this in a spa in Florida and it is my favorite. It can feel pretty gritty/sandy when you put it on, but then it dries like a mask and your skin feels awesome when you rinse it off. The best part? It is only $25 on Amazon!

2. Glass Container Set

This probably seems too "hippy" for a lot of people, but I have been moving away from plastics and toxins as much as possible. I purchased a set of glass containers from Amazon for a very affordable price and I'm very happy with them! Plus, they can go in the oven so I can heat food safely (versus the microwave...which I got in the habit of using too often!)


This is nothing new, I know, but I have found wonderful gifts for all the beautiful brides I have in my life and felt it deserved a shout-out :) The site is even great to just browse for ideas for gifts or DIY projects! I have been treating it like Pinterest recently. And as always, I love supporting small businesses whenever possible.

I found ModCloth from an account on Instagram: (which I admittingly haven't figured out yet). Since we have 12 weddings (well, down to 10!) this year, I was a bit stressed about finding cute and inexpensive dresses to wear (and rewear). I got this great dress in a very pretty lavendar color and it shipped quickly. Just be sure to read the sizing of each dress and comments!

5. Adorable Coffee Mugs

Last but not least...I was pouring my morning coffee this morning into a really unique mug my sister got me for Christmas one year - it just made my morning coffee ritual that much more enjoyable. Perhaps it is only me, but I love having a mismatched set of coffee mugs that all mean something different or came from someone special. I also enjoy choosing the mug that fits my mood on any given morning...sometimes it's a Disney Princess and sometimes its a Math Joke Mug, it all depends!

That's it for July!

Live Life Well,

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